LinuxCP or System Administration


LinuxCP – Control Panel for Premium Package Users

LinuxCP is a control panel designed for users of the Premium Client and Server Package who want to host their server online. It provides a fully configured working environment where end users can intuitively manage their server (start, restart, back up, view logs, transfer files, modify files, and more).

This panel was created by me to make it easier for beginners to manage a completely different operating system using a graphical interface instead of remote SSH console access. You don’t need to know Linux to use it—everything will work and be configured according to all security and performance requirements.

What You Need to Know:

  • This is a paid option for the Premium Client and Server Package.
  • It is installed on your VPS/Dedicated Server. However, I determine the choice of server provider, as many providers are unreliable and may offer outdated or problematic Linux images.

Pre-installation and setup are discussed individually.

Additional Services:

This product also includes the option to provide assistance as a network administrator or programmer. The price for identifying a problem is included, but the price for fixing the problem is not. The cost of fully resolving an issue on your project depends on the complexity of the solution.

Examples of services I can provide:

  • Resolving issues with non-functional web servers, game servers, Linux servers, firewalls, updates, or lack of server access.
  • Assistance in building multi-layered protection against DDoS attacks and hacks (e.g., WAF, Proxy, etc.).

In other words, I offer a full range of administration services. However, the initial price for taking on complex problems is the price of this product. Further costs may vary depending on the complexity of the task.